how to fix a cloudy pool fast

how to fix a cloudy pool fast

It is vital to keep your swimming pool clear of debris and dirt for the sake of aesthetics as well as health. This in-depth guide will help you fix your cloudy pool fast and includes tips with the latest robotic swimming pool cleaner solutions Beatbot has to offer.

Causes of Cloudy Pool Water

The first step to good pool maintenance is understanding exactly why your water has turned cloudy in the first place. Here are the main factors:

Chemical Imbalance

PH Levels – The recommended pH range for pool water is 7.4 to 7.6. When pH is off, it can contribute to the water turning cloudy and reduces chlorine efficacy.

Chlorine Levels: When it comes down to chlorine and algae, this chemical compound is crucial for killing off bacteria. If the level of chlorine is low, then ensure cloudy water and possibly algae will start to grow. Optimal chlorine levels fall between 1.0-3.0 ppm

Total Alkalinity (TA) – TA is the ability to help stabilize pH levels. The recommended range is 80-120 ppm. If the T.A. is imbalanced, it can cause fluctuations and cloudy water pH.

Higher levels can result in scaling and cloudy water, while low calcium hardness could trigger etching or corrosion. The optimum is 200 – 400 ppm.

Environmental Factors

Both the debris and pollen: leaves, dirt, etc.. leave them accumulate in this small pool making it cloudy. To prevent this, keep the pool clean and covered regularly.

Rainwater – Without a pool cover in place, rain can bring contaminants to the surface and dilute water-balance chemicals making cloudy conditions more likely.

Poor Filtration

Dirty or Defective Filter: A dirty filter will not properly remove particles and impurities from the water, making it cloudy.

Poor Pump Operation: Short run times may mean the pump cannot circulate and filter water effectively. The ideal time duration for running the pump is 8 – 12 hours per day.

Algae Growth

Poor Pool Water Sanitization: Algae spores will grow in cloudy water, and a lack of chlorine can cause your pool to turn green with algae.

Date of Aliases: Pools that are exposed to a lot of sunlight but not enough sanitization will produce more algae quickly.

How to Clear Cloudy Pool Water  Step-by-Step

To attain this you should take several important steps, so we will see the points better tuned for each cause of cloudiness in your pool water. Read this in-depth write up on how to clear and maintain clean pool water.

1. Test and Balance the Water

Testing the Water

Check Chemical Levels: Use a Test Kit to test pH, chlorine levels, alkalinity and calcium hardness in your pool.

Ideal Ranges: The pH level needs to be in the range of 7.4 -7.6, chlorine levels should fall within 1 -3 ppm and alkalinity between 80-120ppm with calcium hardness being held between (200-400 ppb).

Balancing Chemicals

Balancing pH: when the ph is too high, add a PH reducer like muriatic acid or sodium bisulfate. If too low add a PH UpsetMessage pH Higher (Sodium Carbonate).

Keep high chlorine levels: Add liquid, granules or tablets if yours is low.

Alkalinity – Baking soda to raise and muriatic acid to lower.

Proper Calcium Hardness: Balance water levels; too little or too much calcium, like pH and Total Alkalinity imbalance can lead to corrosion (or scale formation).

2. Shock the Pool

What is Pool Shocking?

Overview: Shocking means adding a slug of chlorine to the water in order to kill bacteria, algae and other crap.

How to Shock the Pool

Select the Correct Product: Liquid Chlorine or Granular Shock.

Application: Apply according to the instructions of the manufacturer. Most of the time, you will have to dissolve the shock in a bucket with water prior it goes into your pool.

Proper Time: Shock the pool at night to avoid daylight (UV rays) which may reduce its effectiveness.

Circulation: Ensure even circulation by running the pool pump for a couple of hours.

3. Improve Filtration

Check the Filter System

Regular visual checks of your pool filter (sand, DE and cartridge filters) for blockages or damage.

Maintenance: Wash the filter, or rinse backwash. Remove and rinse the cartridges for cartridge filters. If you have a sand or DE filter, backwash based on the manufacturer’s instructions.

Running the Pump

Timing: Turn the pool pump ON for 8-12 hours each day to ensure that water gets enhanced circulation and filtration.

Check the Schedule: Try to schedule your pump during off-peak hours, electricity is cheaper then.

4. Use Pool Clarifiers

What are Pool Clarifiers?

Function: Clarifiers assist in condensing incredibly tiny particles that are as small for a filter to accumulate them less complicated and easier.

Applying Clarifiers

Dosage: Consult the manufacturer for the proper dosing amount with your pool size.

Apply: Add clarifier around entire pool, with pump running for proper dispensation.

5. Brush and Vacuum the Pool


Materials: Pool brush will scrub the walls, steps and floor of your pool where you have visual algae or debris.

How Often: According to Frequency, brushing the pool should be done once a week in order to keep your pool algae-free.


Vacuum Pool Manually: Secure a vacuum head and hose to the skimmer, use your hands to move it around manually.

Robotic Pool Cleaners: Opt to deploy a top-of-the-line Robotic pool cleaner, such as the AquaSense Pro from Beatbot. The walls & waterline, as well as the floor of your pool are completely cleaned with these automatic devices.

Preventative Measures

Regular Maintenance

Regular Cleaning: Daily Skimming to Get Rid of Surface Debris. Regularly cleans skimmer Basket and pump basket (front section should be right after then main pool for the time of year) brush & hoover.

Chemical Testing: Balance as needed on a weekly basis.

Covering the Pool

Use Pool Cover: When pool is not in use then you must cover your pool with some good cover to stop debris, insects enter into the water.

Scheduled Shocking & Filtration

Schedule Shock: For regular use of the pool, shock once every 1-2 weeks or if after heavy bather load or rain.

Maintaining the Filter: Make sure that you keep up with regular cleaning or backwash of your filter to give maximum results.

Beatbot Robotic Pool Cleaners

Beatbot – the best Robotic pool cleaners which modernize your maintenance and give you that sparkling clean water.

AquaSense Pro, the world first 5-in-1( Floor,Walls,Waterline,Water Surface and Water Clarification) cleaning robot with features like clarification and surface cleaning wall scrub. With smart path optimization and cordless, it is eco-friendly.

AquaSense: With impressive cleaning capabilities that include aggressive wall scrubbing and floor to waterline coverage, the AquaSense is perfect if you want sparkling pool perfection without lifting a finger.

Top oversights to avoid when clearing up cloudy pool water

To guarantee you successfully solve cloudy pool water, steer clear of these culprits:

Overusing Chemicals

Risk: It is easy to over-load and this chemical or those chemicals can lead one into unstable, hazardous conditions.

Possible Solution: Test water frequently and follow proper dosing instructions.

Neglecting the Filter

What an inefficient or dirty filter might do is not able to remove the particles from your pool, resulting in stale cloudiness.

Fix: Clean or replace filters per manufacturer instructions.

Ignoring Regular Cleaning

Risk: Cloudy water and may even damage the pool surface by creating debris or algae.

Solution: Brush and vacuum your pool at least once per week.

Inconsistent Pump Operation

Negative: Pump is not allowed to run for enough time which can lead to poor water circulation and therefore an inadequate amount of filtration.

Answer: To ensure proper circulation, continue to run the pump 8 hours (in case of a sand filter) or up to 12 hours per day.

Failure to shock the pool regularly

Risk: Without shock, the pool can harbor contaminants and become cloudy.

Solution: Every 1-2 weeks shock the pool, or after heavy use or rain.

Using Pool Clarifiers Inappropriately

Risk: If you use the wrong amount of clarifier, your water can remain cloudy or turn even cloudier.

An Ounce of Prevention: Adhere to the Right Dosage as Per Manufacturer’s Recommendation.


For a cloudy pool fix, balance the water chemistry, shock your pool, increase filtration and add clarifiers. By following maintenance best practices and utilizing advanced equipment like Beatbot robotic pool cleaners, you can enjoy a beautiful, crystal-clear private or public swimming area.

Additional Resources

  • Target Chemical Levels Chart: Quick guide for pure pool waters point.
  • How To: Maintenance Followed by Relevant Images Full Steps in Image form.
  • Beatbot Products: More about the AquaSense Pro and AquaSense.

Optimal Chemical Levels Table

Following these steps combined with the use of advanced tool options, keeping a clean pool is simple. For other pool cleaning information and solutions, head on over to Beatbot.

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