Simplified Guide on How to Clear DNS Server Cache on Windows

Simplified Guide on How to Clear DNS Server Cache on Windows

How to Clear DNS Server Cache on Windows

All sites stores information about visitors, this is the reason for them to ask if you accept the use of cookies. When the users are in need to remove the information they stored, the cache of the browsers will be cleared.

Most of the users do not know if the information is stored in the domain server cache. (DNS). In this article, we will explain to you what is called a cache, how to use it. And we will show you why it is so essential to clear the IP addresses and the DNS record in the server cache. It is very easy if you can use a tool such as   SolarWinds® Server & Application Monitor (SAM). Through these, you can keep the tabs on DNS performance and clean the cache when you need.

How does a DNS Cache function?

When you enter a domain name to a browser like, this name translates into an IP address then you can see the results on the screen. This conversion process is done by the DNS servers. The name will be converted in IP address conversely

The DNS caches stores information for a specific time period. This means if the user visits a recently visited website again, the browser can get you the information from the cache and return it to you. So that you do not need to go over the website. There are many places that store information as well as the operating system. Each point of the progress belongs to its own DNS cache.

Components of RR

For this function, the DNS has resource recodes (Rrs). All these records are in ASCII code. The parts included in RR are:

  • Resource data (or data):  The record is described by this. This resource data identifies the hostname or the address.
  • Record type: This is a kind of entry. The “A” record type is included in the IP address for the hostname.
  • Record name: This is the non-compulsory value of the object’s domain name.
  • Time to live (TTL): This TTL is a non-compulsory value made to show how long the resource record exists, this is shown to you in seconds.
  • Class: This is a non-compulsory field for the protocol collection of the RR (Generally IN means the Internet)
  • Resource data length: This is a non-compulsory field to keep the length of the resource data.

This information is very useful to speed up the search result. But you may need to delete this stored data before the TTL expires. The browser cache clearing does not relate to this. This is why you have to clear the DNS cache on Windows or even on the DNS server.

Why do we expel the DNS cache?

There are a few reasons that you should expel the DNS cache

The first thing is that the cache can be filled with expired information. You will feel like difficult to access websites or applications. If the domain name located in the cache is an old or incorrect t IP address, you will not get accurate information. Though you will delete the browsing history, still the DNS has got the old Information.  And it is essential to expel the server to get the updated results.

One more reason to clear the cache is privacy. Though the same kind of data is not stored in the DNS cache, cookies, or Javascript. This does not include the sites that you have visited, such as you are visiting frequently. If there are lots of information, there is less privacy if someone accesses the cache.

And at last clearing, this cache is very essential for the security conditions. The cybercriminals have the ability to enter the cache and inert or change the IP address. Simply this is DNS poisoning or DNS spoofing. And these things can take you to the websites that tales your sensitive data such as passwords for online accounts.

For the companies dependent on the internet business, it is harder to maintain their best security to keep things going well. When you clear the DNS server cache, it will delete the invalid addresses. The reason is they are expired or they are exploited.

You should know that flushing these cache does not make you any negative effects. After the first clearing cache, it may be a little bit late to load. But do not worry everything will become faster again.

How to Clear DNS Server Cache

The DNS cache is selected as a protective term or you may have seen any problem, such as loading to the wrong sites.

At some times you may find issues with the use of DNS monitoring tools, such as examples SolarWinds Server and Application Monitor. If you use one of these tools you can keep a track of DNS performance and recognize the issues before they make too many problems. The tools like SolarWinds SAM, you can get alerts or notifications reminding you to clear the cache data.

On any occasion, you can flush a DNS server for windows in this method. It is to use a command-line or PowerShell. If you are using the SAM tool, you have the option to flush the server.

Clearing DNS Cache on Windows Server using a Command Prompt

Clearing the cache with the command prompt is very easy.

  1. Click on the Start button and type cmd
  2. Open the command prompt
  3. Enter this command inside the prompt. ipconfig/flushdns

That’s what you should do. After this, you will receive a notification that the cache has been flushed already.

If you feel like seeing the entries before the cache clearing, go to the command prompt and type ipconfig/displaydns inside it.

Then you can check and decide whether to continue with the flushing of the DNS or not.

C learing DNS cache on Windows DNS Server

If you find the issue o the server not in the local machine, you can use the command prompt, but you should use another command, In this situation, the command is dnscmd /clear cache

Clearing DNS Cache using Windows PowerShell

If you need to clear the DNS cache with PowerShell, there are some options. This depends on the cache you going t clear.

Use this command to clear the cache


 Use this command to clean the DNS server.


Essential tools to keep the DNS cache clear

Gaining the correct results on the internet is a little bit difficult. And you have to make sure whether the information is up to date, So you have to flush the server cache regularly. You have the possibility to do this manually, or using the DNS monitoring tool.

If you are using the tools for the monitoring such as  SolarWinds Server & Application Monitor, you have the possibility to do more functions than cache clearing. The tools will let you know any other problems also. So you can check and revise them before getting so difficult issues and also to device the domain names. You can obtain a 30 day free trial of SAM by SolarWinds, at the time software is functioning.

We hope this is a very important article on clearing DNS Server Cache on Windows. Leave your ideas in the below comment section. Thank you!

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