What is WordPress? CMS that make your website powerful
It is pretty sure that most web users have taken the benefits of WordPress, though they have not realized it. So what is WordPress? From a few famous options, it takes a place among the most used content management systems (CMS) in the world. With an operation experience of 15 years, they have expanded from a fundamental blogging platform into a most adaptable method to manage the website contents. This is what runs your favorite tech site, DigitalTrends.com. Ask any writer if they will give you both good and bad comments to give you about it. Anyhow all of them are the methods of WordPress.
If you are fond of using WordPress, note that the official site is WordPress.org. This is for the CMS. WordPress.com offers customized Worpress sites. We may have heard this is a good website-making tool. Though it is a good service that may not be the thing you are looking for.
What is a CMS?
Realizing what Worpress is to understand how the latest websites are built on and what it Is called content management systems. The website creators do not need to be familiar with the complexities of HTML codings, to realize cascading style sheets, or to keep in remember the FTP login information. All of them are still important to the content team at the digital trends, anyhow WordPress makes our lives and makes everything easier for the website content writers.
The CMS supports developers in building the website with very easy methods. The alternatives such as Joomla or Drupal function the things in different ways than the Worpress. All of them integrate search engine optimization, good looking templates for page viewing and navigation. The features like simple installation, plugins, the login systems for the admins and the moderators, sections for comments, and many more things are available.
The idea of the CMS and the extension, WordPress is to ease the simplified management of the website. The security, optimization, and the ability to handle the stream of anywhere from hundreds to million daily visitors.
How popular is WordPress?

Shortly it is one of the most famous CMS accessible today. As of 2018, W3Tech’s web survey service records that around 32.5 percent of all websites total around two billion in the writing time. WordPress works under 60 of percent the full CMS market.
From there down sliding is very huge. The second biggest and most famous CMS is Joomla, which belongs for 5.5 percent of the CMS marks and also three percent of the other websites. Drupal belongs to 3.5 and 1.9 percent of the particular markets. Meanwhile, other CMS like Squarespace, Wix, Blogger, OpenCart, and Weebly, belong few percent points of them.
There are many others that make less of impressions, anyhow at the end of 2018, Worpress handles more websites than other combinations of any other websites.
How does it compare?
So what is the reason WordPress to become so famous? There is a magnified effect, through those web developers who are friendly with WordPress, will move to use it for their following website too. There are many things that make it flexible as well as easily of the usage.
Possibly it is the biggest strength, especially to gain more new users because it is free. There are ranked versions of WordPress that you can get many benefits from, but there is the chance to use WordPress fully with some free limitations, this method is the best to have CMS for you. It is also a free open source, so the code that you will not see is verified daily by the biggest community of programmers and developers in the world.
WordPress is very flexible. It helps the biggest range of widgets, updating, and website categories. By this, you can run single-page blogs, web stores, or difficult multi-page sites with thousands of visitors. The unified social media platforms, commenting methods, video players, and anything that you need to perform. The thing is WordPress is highly static. You have a web server, install WordPress to it, and then customize it as you need. This varies from website builders like SquareSpace or Wix, where the size of the back end is controlled for you. It surely has strengths, but they reduce the good options that a CMS like WordPress provides you.
There are many services that give customized Worpress sites, it is if you need bets of the two worlds. WordPress.com is one of them, and there are many other options as well. So you can try to search for each of them.
Instead of its depth in all aspects, WordPress is easy to manage and use. It is well recorded, has daily updates and patches, and gives instinctive interfaces that are powerful but not without the warnings and the tooltips. There is also an expanded community of web designers who do like not to solve the problems that you are going on.
The Drawbacks of WordPress
Some people believe that WordPress has its own drawbacks. Being so famous, it is usually targeted by hackers, though many of them are contemporaries. As WordPress is uncontrolled by anyone but the website designer, the burden is on that person to make the updates and keep it secure. As the back-end methods are so strong, something wrong can harm your website if you are not careful.
Whilst WordPress is receiving daily updates, not all the third-party plugins function according to it. This means even an update also can make harmful effects on the very important functions of your website.
This does not be the end of this field unless you are being careful and learning how to use WordPress in the proper methods. Anyhow this is not the best method for website owners who are fond of static experiences. Though WordPress has given an efficient and famous method for years and does not seem to be making any slow down.
We hope that this article will be very helpful for your design of WordPress. Leave your ideas in the below comment section. Thank you!