A detailed instructions on how to restore the stock ROM will demonstrate in this article. The numerous smartphones from well-known OEMs including Samsung, OnePlus, Google, and Xiaomi will be covered in this tutorial. ROM is simply the operating system that the device uses, to be honest.
Then, you could wonder why it needs to be restored if it’s the operating system. When a user downloads a custom ROM to replace the stock ROM, restoration becomes necessary. The Android operating system is open-sourced. People often use the former to test out the different capabilities that a custom ROM offers over a standard stock ROM.
But most of the time, people move quite quickly. So, when they attempt to install the custom ROM, they make a mistake, and the entire gadget goes crazy. Therefore, the instructions to restore to the stock ROM becomes the necessity of this guide.

Read Only Memory (ROM)
Read Only Memory, or ROM, is referred to as in Android.
The operating system software that powers your Android is known as a “ROM.” It is kept in the hardware’s “Read Only Memory” section on an Android tablet or smartphone. Stock ROM and Custom ROM are the two variations of Android.
Describe A Stock ROM
The stock ROM is the operating system that is installed in a smartphone when you purchase it and unbox the device. Stock refers to the app that the OEM created and pre-installed on the smartphone. Various Android OS versions serve as the foundation for stock ROMs. The stock ROM of some devices, such as the Google Pixel, is based on vanilla Android, which is unmodified Android.
Again, Xiaomi and Samsung devices employ their distinctive skins on top of stock Android UI. This indicates that Samsung utilizes OneUI whereas Xiaomi uses MIUI.
The Importance of a Stock ROM
Let’s go into further detail as to why stock ROMs will always be superior to modified ROMs. In essence, the stock ROM on your device is fully functional when you purchase it. Occasionally there are bugs, but they are easily fixed.
As an illustration, whenever Samsung or OnePlus introduce new versions of Android OS, they promptly issue hotfixes if the beta versions contain bugs. It’s official now. Since OEMs are in a competitive market, they will make sure that users have a hassle-free, flawless experience.
Principal Benefits of Stock ROM
Maintain the warranty. Your Android device’s warranty is not void if you use stock ROMs. One of the main reasons customers avoid custom ROMs is the fact that rooting voids your warranty right away. To install a custom ROM, root access is required. Most manufacturers forbid installing a customized Android version or rooting an Android device.
Installed applications. Numerous pre-installed apps are typically included with Android smartphones running stock ROMs. Some of these apps, such music players, live wallpapers, app stores, calendars, and weather apps, are good enough to draw users. However, these pre-installed software, or “bloatware,” are sometimes infrequently used by users. This advantage could become a disadvantage in that situation.
High-End Features. Similar to the pre-installed applications, stock ROMs have a ton of premium features that are not present in custom ROMs. These options include the launcher, app drawer, font, and home screen. Different manufacturers’ devices shipped with various premium features and applications.
Updating a smartphone Stock ROM
Updating smartphone ROMs, TWRP and rooting costs a lot of money. You must root your smartphone in order to install a custom ROM. The warranty is nullified when you root a device. Additionally, your device does not support banking apps.
You can have problems with modified ROMs including app crashes and glitches. Custom ROMs are created by unofficial developers. They clearly have a lot of talent because they are capable of creating a full replacement for stock ROMs. They might not always be able to eliminate every bug, though. Android OS build variations are different.
Returning to the previous Stock ROM
As previously indicated, the custom ROM build is frequently a new build with a tendency to be problematic. So, be prepared for app crashes, shutdowns, hanging problems, and so forth. Bricking is a serious issue that frequently occurs. Therefore, going back to the original ROM will aid in unbricking a device. The bug problems will also be resolved since we are going back to the official version of the ROM. It will also be fixed if there are bugs causing the device to lag.
Returning to the original ROM will also unroot the device, allowing you to use any authorized app on your smartphone without any problems.
Basic Requirements to restore the stock ROM
We need to have a variety of equipment and the stock ROM for the appropriate smartphone with us before we start to restore back to stock ROM on various devices. Here’s what they are;
Backup your device

Making sure that your device data is secure while you modify it on your smartphone is both a good idea and a necessary precaution. Therefore, you must do a complete data backup on your device. You can use a data cable or any app to effortlessly transfer the info to your PC.
The smartphone will return to its factory appearance while being restored to stock ROM. This implies that it will return to its original state after being purchased and opened. Of course, all of the data will be erased. Backup is therefore required.
Install Stock ROM
For your convenience, we have provided links to the stock ROM repositories for several devices from well-known OEMs, including Samsung, Google, Xiaomi, and OnePlus. Additionally, it consists of smartphones powered by Spreadtrum and MediaTek chipsets.
Install a Flash Tool
You will need the following flash tools for various devices. These tools are specific to their respective OEMs. This means that if you have a Xiaomi smartphone, you should use the specific Mi Flash Tool to install or restore the stock ROM. Use just the flash tools that are intended for your OEM. Pay attention to the below list.
- Mi Flash software for Xiaomi mobile devices
- Samsung smartphones with the ODIN Flash tool
- SP Upgrade tool for smartphones using the Spreadtrum Chipset
- Flash tool for smartphones using the MediaTek Chipset.
- The ADB sideload method to flash the stock ROM on OnePlus phones.
Describe a Custom ROM
Custom ROMs are those that have been produced or adapted from the Android operating system’s original source code. Custom ROMs are created and maintained by the community and its contributors, not by Google or other smartphone makers. The created Custom ROMs differ from the original source code in terms of functionality and appearance.
Principal Benefits of Custom ROM
Access as root. You can gain root access to your Android system using custom ROMs. You must first root your Android in order to remove the stock ROM and enjoy a custom one if you have an Android device with the stock ROM. We can do anything on your phones or tablets with a custom ROM.
Rapid updates. When the most recent Android version becomes available, you can immediately update using the stock ROM. Stock ROMs that are under the control of the makers or carriers might not offer this update service or might do it slowly.
Improved performance. You can remove any system apps that a stock ROM won’t let you uninstall and install any third-party apps you want with no restrictions using a custom ROM. Because of this, custom ROM works and performs better than stock ROM. The home screen, typography, user interface, and user experience can all be changed by the user with custom ROMs. With the custom ROM, a user will take control of the Android device. Please see: Install a Custom ROM for information on how to do so.
The superuser is Root. Linux permissions and file-system ownership are used by your Android phone. When you log in, you become a user who has particular rights based on your user permissions. A user is also Root. The root user (superuser), on the other hand, gets full access to every file and location on the system.
Androids can be jailbroken through rooting, which gives users access to more of a phone’s internal workings. If you are willing to install a custom ROM in place of the stock ROM till you get root access. Please see: How to Root Android with KingoRoot for instructions on how to root Android.
Flash Stock Firmware on Samsung Phone Using Odin
Frequently Asked Questions
01) Can I use stock recovery to install stock ROM?
Yes! In almost all smartphones, you can install a custom ROM ZIP file from the stock recovery. The only prerequisite is that your device must be rooted.
02) Does Recovery ROM Vanish Data?
Internal storage data or files are never lost when a recovery ROM is flashed. When flashing a Fastboot ROM, users must select which Fastboot scripts to use to delete data or not. Boot animations and logo root apps are among the modules that Recovery ROM supports.
03) How long will stocks take to recover?
The majority of declines are between 5 and 10 percent, with an average recovery time of about one month; declines between 10 and 20 percent, on the other hand, with an average recovery time of about four months.